News list for " ravikant"

Renowned investor Naval: The world's transition to a decentralized financial system will take time

Naval Ravikant, a prominent Silicon Valley angel investor, wrote in an X post: "The world's transition to a decentralised financial system will take time. We are currently less than 5 per cent of our target in terms of market capitalisation."

2024-12-12 04:34:10
知名投资人Naval :世界向去中心化金融体系的过渡需要时间

硅谷知名天使投资人Naval Ravikant在X发文表示:“世界向去中心化金融体系的过渡需要时间。从市值来看,我们目前还不到目标的5%。”

2024-12-12 04:34:10
Renowned investor Naval Ravikant: Cryptocurrency is the currency of AI

Silicon Valley angel investor Naval Ravikant said at X that cryptocurrency is the currency of AI. Naval is a well-known angel investor in Silicon Valley. He has invested in well-known technology companies such as Twitter and Uber. He is also a successful entrepreneur. He founded the equity crowdfunding platform AngelList and published the famous book "Naval Book".

2024-08-27 07:47:44
知名投资人 Naval Ravikant:加密货币是AI的货币

硅谷知名天使投资人 Naval Ravikant 在 X 表示,加密货币是 AI 的货币。 Naval 是硅谷知名的天使投资人,他投资过推特、优步等知名科技公司,同时也是一名成功的创业者,创办了股权众筹平台 AngelList,曾出版知名书籍《纳瓦尔宝典》。

2024-08-27 07:47:44